
Projects Implemented

  1. Income and Employment for Women and Youth Project – IEWY Project (2018 to March 2021)

The project was implanted by Netherlands Development Organization and funded by Comic Relief. KDCJE was one of the Implementing partners with Match Marker Associates and CABO Consult.

  1. Tanzania Milk Processing Project –TMPP (April 2021 to June 2022)

The project was implemented by Heifer International as KDCJE being one of the implementing partners

  1. Maziwa Zaidi Phase II (More Milk) Project (April 2021 to December 2021)

The project was implemented by International Livestock Research Institute as KDCJE being one of the consortium member with FACT, SUGECO and TACADECO

ILRI engaged JE as a consultant in building the capacity to Women and Youth Agri- preneurs in dairy via Maziwa Zaidi Phase II Project

Global Sustainability Market Leader
Relentless Productivity Driver
Proud to deliver excellence.


Feed processing Plant
Feed Processing Plant


KDCJE Vet Center
KDCJE Vet Center